Our partners:

Organisationen, Institutionen, Medien und Netzwerke, die sich auf vielfältige Weisen unterstützend mit erdfest verbinden, sind: 


The Earth-Charter Coordinators in Germany/Ecumenical Initiative One World is happy to support the EARTHFEST-Initiative. All of us who desire a diverse, grandchildren-fit earth and an open society, need to team up. Through this we can start an irresistible learning process towards a sustainable world and a true transformation of society.

Denis Kupsch, Geschäftsführender Referent und Erd-Charta-Koordinator

The EARTHFEST-Initiative attracts us particularly, because it puts mother earth – the soil as precondition for life and therefore the connection of humankind with the earth below their feet – into the central focus. We are looking forward to celebrate an earthfest this summer, on our World Acre in Berlin.

Benedikt Haerlin, Direktor des Berliner Büros

We support the EARTHFEST-Initiative and its endeavour to bring the aliveness of the earth back into experience. Visitors to Demeter farmsteads can experience how agriculture in accordance with nature works. In it, the earth plays a central role: The biodynamical agriculture is working towards an enlivenment of the soil. We are convonced that only sustainable life forms and living spaces can secure a sustainable future for nature and men ecologically, economically and socially.

Alexander Gerber, CEO of Demeter

For more than 30 years Mellifera e.V. has been commited toward a conscious care for bees which give fertility to the plant world. Our Flowering Landscapes Network (›Netzwerk Blühende Landschaft‹) provides a host of practical recommendations in order to enable everyone to create insect-friendly gardens and lowering spaces and therefore can contribute to the enlivenment of our landscapes that have become monotonous. We are happy to endorse the EARTHFEST-Initiative and invite our members to celebrate their own ›earthfests‹. Let our earth blossom, hum, sing and twitter!

Michael Slaby, Geschäftsführendes Vorstandsmitglied bei Mellifera e.V.

Why I support the EARTHFEST-Initiative? In the Anthropocene we experince the consequences of predominantly using the earth, instead of caring for it. Thereby we are trasgressing the limits of its carrying capacity. The EARTHFEST-Initiative instead calls the intrinsic value of the earth back into our conscience, so that we can learn to cultivate an aware and loving relationship to the earth. This is a change urgently needed for our future as individuals and as global civilisation.

Dr. Thomas Bruhn, Leiter des Forschungsprojektes »A Mindset for the Anthropocene« beim Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)

forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften supports the EARTHFEST-Initiative because time is short to finally develop a more aware way to treat the world we are living in in all its respects. This is the precondition for sustainable householding and the development of a society that can offer a promising life to future generations. A joint celebration of human values and of innovative solutions is the right road to get there.

Fritz Lietsch, Chefredakteur, Forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften

We support the Erdfest, because it is a timely and powerful way to celebrate and remind us of a foundational and at the same time forward-looking realm of our participation: Our connectedness with the earth as an organism and its aliveness, with which we are deeply interwoven and which we as human beings also decisively co-create. This initiative sends an important signal for a new, conscious culture of a deeper appreciation of aliveness in all its forms.

Mike Kauschke, Chefredakteur - Magazin für Bewusstsein und Kultur

Do something good to the Earth? This motto connects our byodinamical magazine with readers and farmers. We are continually learning how we can enhance the mutuality of natural forces, soils, plants and animals in a practical way. Gifting aliveness to what is alive – the motto of the EARTHFEST-Initiative leads exactly there. The Earthfest hopefully will fill many people with enthusiasm for the fertile web of relations which is nature and therefore inspire to future actions.

Michael Olbrich-Majer, Herausgeber, Lebendige Erde

moment by moment, the Magazine for Awareness, puts the entire range of topics around awareness into focus in a sustainable way. In our summer edition 2018 we are concentrating on the subject of nature and how we can encounter other beings in awareness. As the EARTHFEST-Initiaitve does, we are representing a new consciousness, rediscovering nature as a fertile space of creative experiences.

Stefanie Hammer, Herausgeberin moment by moment Magazin für Achtsamkeit