
»Language is wild.«

Gary Snyder

Books & Articles

  • Bayo Akomolafe, These Wilds beyond our Fences. Boston, 2017.
  • Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass. Minneapolis, 2013.
  • Eduardo Kohn, How Forests Think. Toward an Anthropology beyond the Human. Univ. of California Press, 2013.
  • Freya Mathews, For Love of the Earth (New edition). London, 2021.
  • Peter Reason, Sarah Gillespie, On Presence. Totnes, 2021.
  • Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Nils Bubandt, Elaine Gan, eds., Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. Minneapolis, 2017.
  • Gary Snyder, The Practice of the Wild. Berkeley 1990.
  • Weber, Andreas (2021): “Skincentric Ecology”. Minding Nature 14 (1): 22-26.
  • Andreas Weber, Sharing Life. The Ecopolitics of Reciprocity. New Delhi & Berlin 2020.
  • Andreas Weber, Enlivenment. Toward a Poetics of the Anthropocene. Cambridge, MA, 2019.
  • Andreas Weber, Matter & Desire. An Erotic Ecology. White River Junction, 2017.
  • Andreas Weber, Biology of Wonder. Aliveness, Feeling, and the Metamorphosis of Science. Gabriola Island, 2016.
  • Andreas Weber & Hildegard Kurt , “Towards Cultures of Aliveness: Politics and Poetics in a Postdualistic Age. An Anthropocene Manifesto”, Solutions Journal 5, 2015.
  • Andreas Weber & Hildegard Kurt, Réensauvagez-Vous! Paris, Le Pommier, 2020





