Verein SoLaWi Bayreuth e.V.
Nature is always keen on covering the soil, or rather adorning it, with the most adventurous plants, colours, forms. Photo: Daniel Hornstein
We are part of the nationwide German Network of Agriculture in Solidarity (Netzwerk Solidarische Landwirtschaft, SoLaWi). We support participants of SoLaWi in the area of the Bavarian city of Bayreuth. We will be celebrating the first Bayreuth Erdfest on 24th of June 2018 at 2 p.m. It is part of a project funded by the ministry for the environment, HumUs. We will have a picnic and you can walk into a maze cut into a meadow and drop a symbol of gratitude in its middle. See here for more informations and the invitation.
Daniel HornsteinHugo-Rüdelstraße 5
95445 Bayreuth