In Begegnung mit dem Inneren der Erde und mit uns. Der ehemalige Steinbruch Hohenfels – einer der diesjährigen Erdfest-Orte. Foto: Wirkstatt Eifel

Wir freuen uns, seit den Anfängen der erdfest-Initiative mit dabei zu sein. Hier Impressionen von unserem

Erdfest 2021

Erdfest 2020

Erdfest 2019

und von unserer Erdfest-Premiere 2018

We are eight women from the heart of the Eifel volcanic region, a landscape of great power, which, however, is devastated through the mining of the ancient volcanos. During the Earthfest we are inviting individuals from near and far to delve deeply into the perception of power, wounds and healing. We are offering a three day process that will take place on mountains, in pits, and in gardens. The open, creative design process of the Earthfest is already at work in ourselves and our surroundings.

Christel Utters
Hauptstraße 27
54552 Dockweiler